November 20, 2010

Economic Analysis of Casino Applicants for Missouri's Gaming License

This economic report on three applicants for Missouri’s thirteenth casino license was prepared for the Missouri Gaming Commission by the Missouri Economic Research and Information Center and the Missouri Department of Economic Development using a seventeen-region economic model from REMI to research the potential economic impacts each applicant would have to Missouri and the gaming industry. Three scenarios, a worst, average, and best case, were used to determine how outcomes would differ given a range of cannibalization effects. In all three scenarios, Isle of Capri–Cape Girardeau generated the highest net new casino revenue and gaming taxes, new employment, and overall gross domestic product. Casino Celebration–St. Louis was consistently second in all three scenarios while Paragon Gaming–Sugar Creek was third. Isle of Capri was found to generate $76.2 million in net new casino revenue and taxes, $20.7 million in new taxes, 726 new jobs, and $55 million in new state gross domestic product.

Missouri Economic Research and Information Center – Economic Analysis of Casino Applicants for Missouri’s Gaming License [full PDF]