October 03, 2019

The Economic Contributions of Hutterite Communities in Montana

In a partnership with the Montana State University Department of Economics and Agricultural Economics, the Bureau of Business and Economic Research at the University of Montana studied the economic contributions of the Lehrerleut Branch of Montana’s Hutterite Communities. This report utilized the REMI model to identify the economic impact that Hutterite Communities have on state and local economies as a result of the significant linkages that exist between their agricultural and other operations and the rest of the state economy. Researchers employed the model to calculate the impacts of Hutterite Communities on five regions within Montana (Northwest, North Central, Southwest, South Central, East). The results from this analysis describe the sizable, continuous, permanent impact on the economic livelihoods of thousands of Montanans that Hutterite activities support.

Bureau of Business and Economic Research at the University of Montana – The Economic Contributions of Hutterite Communities in Montana [full PDF]