Investing in American Transit

[Slides] Investing In American Transit – Guyesha Blackshear and Jim C. Stewart, REMI

[Recording] Investing In American Transit – Guyesha Blackshear and Jim C. Stewart, REMI

The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed the INVEST in American Act, a $715 billion surface transportation reauthorization bill dedicated to investing in public transit resources. Over the next five years, this bill intends to support regional economies by creating jobs, advancing the transportation framework and addressing climate concerns.

To examine the effects of this policy, we will be hosting “Investing in American Transit,” our upcoming webinar on Tuesday, August 10th from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. (ET).

If signed into law, this bill will allocate funding for bridges, train stations, tunnels, public transportation, state of good repair backlog (SOGR) and passenger and freight rail. During this discussion, we will explore the economic implications of this the INVEST in America Act using the REMI economic model.

The Broader Implications of the Global Minimum Tax

[Slides] The Broader Implications of the Global Minimum Tax – Zachary Schofield, REMI

[Recording] The Broader Implications of the Global Minimum Tax – Zachary Schofield, REMI

A global minimum tax on corporations has been agreed upon by 130 nations as part of a broader agreement to reexamine international tax guidelines. Upon implementation, large corporations would directly contribute to the economic growth of the nations they operate in through changes in tax revenues.

We invite you to join us for “The Broader Implications of the Global Minimum Tax,” our upcoming webinar on Thursday, August 5th from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. (ET).

During this discussion, we will forecast the fiscal and economic implications of a 15% global minimum tax on revenue and economic growth using the REMI Tax-PI economic model.

ESG Analysis: How REMI-SEI Evaluates Corporate Social Impact

[Slides] ESG Analysis: REMI-SEI to Evaluate Corporate Social Impact – Katy Koon & Guyesha Blackshear, REMI

[Recording] ESG Analysis: REMI-SEI to Evaluate Corporate Social Impact – Katy Koon & Guyesha Blackshear, REMI

By addressing environmental, social, and governance (ESG) concerns, corporate entities can establish a strong ESG proposition that creates organizational value. In addition, corporate leaders must consider and measure the implications of their ESG-investments on the agency, its stakeholders and the regional economy.

We invite you to join us for “ESG Analysis: How REMI-SEI Evaluates Corporate Social Impact,” our upcoming webinar on Thursday, July 29th from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. (ET).

During this presentation, we will:

  • Identify the environmental, social and governance factors that create risk and opportunity
  • Determine the level of influence for each factor on the regional economy
  • Simulate ESG impacts using REMI’s Tax-PI/SEI economic model, the only software solution with these dynamic capabilities

REMI is proud to introduce REMI SEI, the premium modeling solution for evaluating the socio-economic indicators (SEI) of project, programs, and policy changes. Please click here to learn more about our software tool for economic impact analysis that can assess the core socio-economic implications of programs and practices to pave a way towards more informed policymaking.

Cyber-security Resilience for Regional Economic Stability

[Slides] Cyber-security Resilience for Regional Economic Stability – May Lin & Ian Spellane, REMI

[Recording] Cyber-security Resilience for Regional Economic Stability – May Lin & Ian Spellane, REMI

National, state and local entities are protecting the integrity of their organizations by integrating cyber resilience into their regular operational strategies, business continuity management and security protocols.

We will be hosting “Cyber-security Resilience for Regional Economic Stability” our upcoming webinar presentation on Tuesday, July 27th from 2:00 to 3:00 pm (ET).

During this presentation, we will use economic modeling to illustrate how resiliency investments can safeguard your organization from the economic shocks of cyber-attacks and ensure the continuity of your operations during and after the breach.

The Economic, Social, and Environmental Impacts of Transit Infrastructure on Regional Economies

[Slides] The Economic, Social, and Environmental Impacts of Transit Infrastructure on Regional Economies – Federico Garcia, Ph.D., Alice Yu, Ph.D., & Andrew Komendantov, KPMG; Peter Evangelakis, Ph.D. & Haozheyi Guan, REMI

[Recording] The Economic, Social, and Environmental Impacts of Transit Infrastructure on Regional Economies – Federico Garcia, Ph.D., Alice Yu, Ph.D., & Andrew Komendantov, KPMG; Peter Evangelakis, Ph.D. & Haozheyi Guan, REMI

Public transit systems contribute directly to the health of local, state, regional, and national economies by providing a commuting alternative for workers and consumers, which generates a wide array of important economic, social, and environmental impacts.

We invite you to join us for “The Economic, Social, and Environmental Impacts of Transit Infrastructure on Regional Economies,” our special guest webinar on <Thursday, August 26 from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. (ET) featuring Federico Garcia, Ph.D., Managing Director at KPMG.

As stakeholders continue to demand that the public and private sectors address social inequalities amidst the shifting emphasis towards clean energy, it is vital to discern the economic, social, and environmental impacts of transit investments. During this presentation, Dr. Garcia and I will quantify these impacts using the REMI model.

Especially with the federal government expected to boost infrastructure spending, planners need to analyze how potential transit projects shape regional economies, influence labor markets, impact different demographic groups, and affect emissions of carbon dioxide and a variety of pollutants. Included in this presentation will be an overview of three case studies that forecast the impacts of transit investments on these metrics in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area over a 10-year period.