Exploring the Economic Significance of Integrating Ride-sharing and Public Transport

[Slides] Exploring the Economic Significance of Integrating Ride-sharing and Public Transport – May Lin & Jim Stewart, REMI

[Recording] Exploring the Economic Significance of Integrating Ride-sharing and Public Transport – May Lin & Jim Stewart, REMI

Departments of transportation (DOTs) and metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) are evaluating how ride-sharing conglomerations and travel alternatives offer individuals more options for public transportation. The important task of adapting current and future transportation plans to the realities of present lifestyles is essential to prioritizing and reallocating public transit resources.

We invite you to join us for “Exploring the Economic Significance of Integrating Ride-sharing and Public Transport,” our upcoming webinar Thursday, October 7 from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. (ET).

As the economic recovery continues to reach more and more regions in the United States, special attention must be paid to how analysis can be used to effectively allocate federal, state, and local resources to maximize economic growth.

During this presentation, we will use the REMI economic model to examine how urban mobility affects vehicle ownership, revenue, market share, and economic development.

The Economic and Fiscal Effects of Reimagining Tourism

[Slides] The Economic and Fiscal Effects of Reimagining Tourism – Katy Koon, REMI

[Recording] The Economic and Fiscal Effects of Reimagining Tourism – Katy Koon, REMI

Economic recovery and growth strategy leaders have the critical tasks of reimagining tourism post-pandemic and considering the effects on their local, state, and regional prosperity and progress.

We invite you to join us for “The Economic and Fiscal Effects of Reimagining Tourism,” our upcoming webinar on Wednesday, September 29th from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. (ET).

This discussion will evaluate the necessary criteria for reinstating tourism as a normal economic activity in the U.S. before comparing that against our current trajectory.

It is important for policymakers to understand the structure of their states’ economies, as well as the areas of most need, as they continue to plan for their economic re-openings.

To quantify the effects, we will use the REMI economic model to forecast the impacts of increased tourism on revenue, income, jobs, GDP and other socioeconomic indicators.

Budgeting for the Future: An Economic Impact Analysis of the $3.5 Trillion Reconciliation Package

[Slides] Budgeting for the Future: An Economic Impact Analysis of the $3.5 Trillion Reconciliation Package – Guyesha Blackshear & Jim. C. Stewart, REMI

[Recording] Budgeting for the Future: An Economic Impact Analysis of the $3.5 Trillion Reconciliation Package – Guyesha Blackshear & Jim. C. Stewart, REMI

On Tuesday, August 10, 2021, after months of debate, the Senate passed a budget resolution that includes a $3.5 trillion reconciliation package. Regional and state leaders must consider the total economic and fiscal effects of increased funding of Medicare, immigration, climate, and education programs on their communities.

We invite you to join us for “Budgeting for the Future: An Economic Impact Analysis of the $3.5 Trillion Reconciliation Package,” our upcoming webinar on Tuesday, September 7 from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. (ET).

During this presentation, we will use the REMI economic model to quantify the impacts of expanding these social programs on local, state, and regional economies.

The reconciliation budget, which would expand health care, provide access to a quality preschool and community college education, and fund climate change programs, has the potential to influence economic recovery post-pandemic.

This presentation will also use economic modeling to explore the impacts of the allocated funding on income, employment, and overall economic growth.

Understanding the Socio-Economic Indicators (SEI) and their Implications for BRAC

[Slides] Using Socio-Economic Indicators (SEI) to Understand the Implications of Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) – Katy Koon, REMI

[Recording] Using Socio-Economic Indicators (SEI) to Understand the Implications of Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) – Katy Koon, REMI

Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC), a periodic review of all United States military installations, both internationally and domestically, is performed to assess the efficiency of their resource consumption. To ensure total economic growth and sustainability, decision-makers must consider how the expansion or contraction of a military base effects all members of the community respectively.

We invite you to join us for “Understanding the Socio-Economic Indicators (SEI) and their Implications for BRAC,” our upcoming webinar presentation on Thursday, September 2nd from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. (ET).

During this presentation, we will evaluate the socio-economic implications of changes to military bases on jobs, income, workforce development and regional economic growth.

This discussion will also include an overview of the methodology behind the REMI SEI premium component, as we explore how increases or decreases in federal funding resulting from the BRAC process can influence a region’s demographic and economic output.

The Environmental Effects of EV Investments

[Slides] The Environmental Effects of EV Investments – Zachary Schofield & Ian Spellane, REMI

[Recording] The Environmental Effects of EV Investments – Zachary Schofield & Ian Spellane, REMI

Over the past decade, the U.S. economy has experienced increased interest and investments in electric vehicles (EV) as a result of their sustainability implications, reduced dependence on fossil fuels, and potential decrease in the carbon footprint.

We invite you to join us for “The Environmental Effects of EV Investments,” our upcoming webinar on Tuesday, August 24th from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. (ET).

During this presentation we will:
– Identify the environmental variables affected by increased use of EV technology
– Consider the environmental impacts of manufacturing and operating EVs
– Forecast the environmental impact of EVs using the REMI E3+ economic model