The Economic, Social, and Environmental Impacts of Transit Infrastructure on Regional Economies

[Slides] The Economic, Social, and Environmental Impacts of Transit Infrastructure on Regional Economies – Federico Garcia, Ph.D., Alice Yu, Ph.D., & Andrew Komendantov, KPMG; Peter Evangelakis, Ph.D. & Haozheyi Guan, REMI

[Recording] The Economic, Social, and Environmental Impacts of Transit Infrastructure on Regional Economies – Federico Garcia, Ph.D., Alice Yu, Ph.D., & Andrew Komendantov, KPMG; Peter Evangelakis, Ph.D. & Haozheyi Guan, REMI

Public transit systems contribute directly to the health of local, state, regional, and national economies by providing a commuting alternative for workers and consumers, which generates a wide array of important economic, social, and environmental impacts.

We invite you to join us for “The Economic, Social, and Environmental Impacts of Transit Infrastructure on Regional Economies,” our special guest webinar on <Thursday, August 26 from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. (ET) featuring Federico Garcia, Ph.D., Managing Director at KPMG.

As stakeholders continue to demand that the public and private sectors address social inequalities amidst the shifting emphasis towards clean energy, it is vital to discern the economic, social, and environmental impacts of transit investments. During this presentation, Dr. Garcia and I will quantify these impacts using the REMI model.

Especially with the federal government expected to boost infrastructure spending, planners need to analyze how potential transit projects shape regional economies, influence labor markets, impact different demographic groups, and affect emissions of carbon dioxide and a variety of pollutants. Included in this presentation will be an overview of three case studies that forecast the impacts of transit investments on these metrics in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area over a 10-year period.

Assessing the Economic Framework of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal

[Slides] Assessing the Economic Framework of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal – Zachary Schofield, Guyesha Blackshear and Jim Stewart, REMI

[Recording] Assessing the Economic Framework of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal – Zachary Schofield, Guyesha Blackshear and Jim Stewart, REMI

The Biden administration and several bipartisan senators have announced a $1.2 trillion framework infrastructure deal, a significant long-term investment in U.S. infrastructure and competitiveness.

We invite you to join us for “Assessing the Economic Framework of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal,” our upcoming webinar on Tuesday, July 20 from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. (ET).

During this presentation, we will

  • Consider the impacts of investing in clean infrastructure, universal broadband, renewable energy on the economy
  • Outline the potential benefits and risks of these investments on regional economies
  • Simulate the long-term effects of the funding outlined in this framework using the REMI economic model

Shifts in the Energy Industry: An Analysis of Energy Impacts on State Economies

[Slides] Shifts in the Energy Industry: An Analysis of Energy Impacts on State Economies – Zachary, Schofield, REMI

[Recording] Shifts in the Energy Industry: An Analysis of Energy Impacts on State Economies – Zachary, Schofield, REMI

Increasing growth of renewable energy opportunities for power networks is rapidly changing the energy industry. Given the potential for nation-wide impacts, policy leaders must understand how communities will be affected as innovation and evolution take hold in energy markets.

We invite you to join us for “Shifts in the Energy Industry: An Analysis of Energy Impacts on State Economies,” our upcoming webinar on Thursday, July 22 from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. (ET).

During this presentation, we will:

  • Consider how a coal dependent community will be impacted by the shifts to gas and solar energy
  • Analyze the shifts in state taxation, energy prices, and other related economic variables due to renewable energy innovations
  • Determine how state economies are impacted as the energy industry continues to transition away from fossil fuels using the REMI economic model


Exploring the Economic Contributions of Community Colleges

[Slides] Exploring the Economic Contributions of Community Colleges – Katy Koon, Guyesha Blackshear, and Henry Higgins, REMI

[Recording] Exploring the Economic Contributions of Community Colleges – Katy Koon, Guyesha Blackshear, and Henry Higgins, REMI

Community colleges contribute to the development of regional economies by affordably educating the local workforce in competitive 21st-century skills. Using economic modeling, we can understand the distributional effects of these institutions and observe their direct and indirect impacts.

REMI Economic Analyst Katy Koon, Business Development Analyst Guyesha Blackshear, and Business Development Intern Henry Higgins will be hosting “Exploring the Economic Contributions of Community Colleges,” our upcoming webinar on Thursday, July 15 from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. (ET).

During this presentation, we will use our Tax-PI/SEI model to assess the dynamic economic and fiscal impacts of community colleges and to demonstrate how these programs affect workforce development, tax revenues and expenditures, income, and regional economic development.

REMI is proud to introduce REMI SEI, the premium modeling solution for evaluating the socio-economic indicators (SEI) of projects, programs, and policy changes. Please click here to learn more about our software tool for economic impact analysis that can assess the core socio-economic implications of programs and practices to pave the way towards more informed policymaking.

Housing and Economic Recovery

[Slides] Housing and Economic Recovery – Zachary Schoefield, REMI

[Recording] Housing and Economic Recovery – Zachary Schoefield, REMI

Nationwide price increases in the housing market are redefining the economic landscape while many Americans are still recovering from the pandemic recession. As states deploy programs to restore their economies, policy leaders must consider the critical influence cost-of-living will have as they work to ensure economic recovery reaches all communities.

Please join REMI Associate I Zachary Schofield on Tuesday, July 13th from 2:00 to 3:00 pm(ET) for “Housing and Economic Recovery,” our upcoming webinar that explores how policy related to real estate markets can directly impact state economies.

During this discussion, we will:

  • Identify the demographic and geographical influences on shifts in the housing market
  • Asses the economic implications of alleviating poverty, reducing income inequality and supporting rural and minority
  • Evaluate the economic response of stimulus measures using the REMI economic model