Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Workforce Development

[Slides] Socio-Economic Indicator (SEI) in Workforce Development – Katy Koon & Haozheyi Guan, REMI

[Recording] Socio-Economic Indicator (SEI) in Workforce Development – Katy Koon & Haozheyi Guan, REMI

Effective workforce development policy supports regional economies by cultivating skilled labor, creating jobs, and developing inclusive programs that reach all communities. By training a diverse workforce in skills needed for the 21st century, states and localities can encourage inclusive broad-based prosperity.

REMI Analyst Katy Koon and Economic Analyst Haozheyi Guan will be hosting “Socio-Economic Indicator (SEI) in Workforce Development,” our upcoming webinar on Thursday, June 24th from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. (ET) that will assess the economic implications of SEI policies in the workforce development and the economy.

This discussion will also examine the effects of labor force policy changes on various income categories, geographical locations, and racial, ethnic, and gender groups.

REMI is proud to introduce REMI SEI, the premium modeling solution for evaluating the socio-economic indicators (SEI) of project, programs, and policy changes. Please click here to learn more about our software tool for economic impact analysis that can assess the core socio-economic implications of programs and practices to pave a way towards more informed policymaking.

Universities’ Economic and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Impacts (slides)

[Slides] Universities’ Economic and Socio-Economic Indicator (SEI) Impacts – Katy Koon & Haozheyi Guan, REMI

REMI is proud to introduce REMI SEI, the premium modeling solution for evaluating the socio-economic indicators (SEI) of project, programs, and policy changes. Please click here to learn more about our software tool for economic impact analysis that can assess the core socio-economic implications of programs and practices to pave a way towards more informed policymaking.

Universities’ Economic and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Impacts (recording)

[Recording] Universities’ Economic and Socio-Economic Indicator (SEI) – Katy Koon & Haozheyi Guan, REMI

REMI is proud to introduce REMI SEI, the premium modeling solution for evaluating the socio-economic indicators (SEI) of projects, programs, and policy changes. Please click here to learn more about our software tool for economic impact analysis that can assess the core socio-economic implications of programs and practices to pave the way towards more informed policymaking.