A Tale of Two Cities: The Economic and Fiscal Effects of Migration from New York to Florida

[Slides] A Tale of Two Cities: The Economic and Fiscal Effects of Migration from New York to Florida – Julian Cook, Tristan Davis, David Ingraham, & Haozheyi Guan, REMI

[Recording] A Tale of Two Cities: The Economic and Fiscal Effects of Migration from New York to Florida – Julian Cook, Tristan Davis, David Ingraham, & Haozheyi Guan, REMI

Population shifts can have major socio-economic and fiscal impacts on the labor market, tax revenues and overall economy at the state and local level.

On Thursday, June 10th from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. (ET), REMI Associate I’s Julian Cook, Tristan Davis, and David Ingraham and Economic Analyst Haozheyi Guan will be hosting “A Tale of Two Cities: The Economic and Fiscal Effects of Migration from New York to Florida,” our upcoming webinar presentation that will analyze the effects of migration on a state economy using the REMI model.

We are also prepared to examine the macroeconomic effects of inbound and outbound activity on employment and GDP.

Universities’ Economic and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Impacts

[Slides] Universities’ Economic and DEI Impacts – Katy Koon & Haozheyi Guan, REMI

[Recording] Universities’ Economic and DEI Impacts – Katy Koon & Haozheyi Guan, REMI

As a driver of economic growth, universities have critical socio-economic impacts. REMI-SEI quantifies how universities are building a more diverse workforce and equitable future.

REMI Analyst Katy Koon and Economic Analyst Haozheyi Guan will be hosting “Universities’ Economic and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Impacts,” our upcoming webinar on Friday, June 4th from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. (ET). During this presentation, we will demonstrate how economic modeling can measure universities’ contributions to the broad-based prosperity of their regional economies.

REMI is proud to introduce REMI SEI, the premium modeling solution for evaluating the socio-economic indicators (SEI) of projects, programs, and policy changes. Please click here to learn more about our software tool for economic impact analysis that can assess the core socio-economic implications of programs and practices to pave the way towards more informed policymaking.

REMI Socio-Economic Indicators (SEI) – Katy Koon and Haozheyi Guan, REMI (recording)

[Recording] REMI Socio-Economic Indicators (SEI) – Katy Koon and Haozheyi Guan, REMI

REMI is proud to introduce REMI SEI, the premium modeling solution for evaluating the socio-economic indicators (SEI) of projects, programs, and policy changes. Please click here to learn more about our software tool for economic impact analysis that can assess the core socio-economic implications of programs and practices to pave the way towards more informed policymaking.