REMI TranSight Presentation Series
REMI looks forward to being a virtual exhibitor during the Transportation Research Board’s (TRB) 100th Annual Meeting! You are invited to join us for REMI’s TranSight Presentation Series that will be held daily starting Monday, January 25th through Friday, January 29th from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (ET).
This series will spotlight TranSight, the premier software solution for comprehensive evaluations of the total economic effects of transportation policy. REMI Economic Associate Ryan Saul will be joined by economic analysts, software developers, and members of our expert research and development team as we explore the capabilities and applications of REMI’s TranSight Model.
Please feel free to join us for all five transportation presentations held during the 2021 TRB Conference:
REMI TranSight: Connecting Transportation and the Economy
TranSight is the premier software solutions for comprehensive evaluations of the total economic effects of transportation policy. This series will kick off with illustrating how TranSight captures the impacts of transportation investments on jobs, population, income, and other economic variables.
Exploring the Capabilities and New Features of REMI TranSight
During this presentation, Mr. Saul will be joined by REMI Economic Analyst Naveen Kammar as they take a deep dive into the technical capabilities and features of TranSight.
Transportation Policy in the Biden Administration
The Biden administration proposes new policies for transportation planning and infrastructure priorities. This presentation will describe the anticipated changes to transit networks and demonstrate how TranSight evaluates shifts in investments for our nation’s roads, bridges, railways, and ports.
REMI Study – The Economic Impact of RhodeWorks: An Accelerated Transportation Restoration Plan
This presentation will review a past study conducted by REMI for the Rhode Island Department of Revenue’s Office of Revenue Analysis that evaluates the RhodeWorks transportation infrastructure improvement and restoration plan. This case study will provide an example of how to analyze the economic and demographic impacts of constructing and financing similar plans, while also showcasing TranSight’s ability to evaluate network improvements in a hypothetical scenario.
Looking Ahead to Transportation Policy in a Post-COVID World and Beyond
The final discussion in our REMI TranSight Presentation Series will explore the economic impacts of transportation and infrastructure investments in a post-COVID world.