REMI Election 2020 Webinar Series

The presidential election is on the horizon, which has led to numerous organizations and government entities analyzing both parties’ policies to better understand how the outcome might affect the national landscape.

Please feel free to join our CEO & Chief Economist Frederick Treyz, Ph.D. for the REMI Election 2020 Webinar Series starting Tuesday, November 10th that will examine how this year’s election impacts specific topic areas and industries, such as transportation, energy, workforce development, tax, and the environment.

We invite you to sign up for any of the following sessions, though we encourage you to join us for all six:

REMI Election 2020: What Do the Election Results Mean for Policy?
We are prepared to explore the potential economic impacts of the newly elected President’s proposed policies. This discussion will cover the implications for trade, immigration, healthcare, labor, and the ongoing response to the outbreak of COVID-19.

Slides / Recording

REMI Election 2020: The Regional Economic Dimension of Biden’s Energy & Environmental Policy
This next installment of our webinar series serves as an evaluation of the energy and environmental policy impacts at the federal and state levels anticipated during the impending presidential term. We will utilize the REMI E3+ model to simulate prospective policy changes in the energy sector during this presentation.

Slides / Recording

REMI Election 2020: Transportation & Infrastructure Policy
How transportation planning and infrastructure priorities are altered based on the result of the presidential election will be the focus of the third session in this webinar series. Included in this presentation will be descriptions of the anticipated changes to transit networks and a demonstration of how TranSight evaluates shifts in investment for our nation’s roads, bridges, railways, and ports.

Slides / Recording

REMI Election 2020: Tax & Fiscal Policy
Our webinar series continues with an assessment of the tax and fiscal policies put forth by the winner of the 2020 Presidential Election. We will review their proposed tax policy platform before addressing the expected outcomes in regards to the financial, manufacturing, and technological sectors, as well as the gig economy.

Slides / Recording

REMI Election 2020: Labor & Immigration Policy
During this webinar session, we will analyze the latest updates related to workforce development and demographics as both topic areas have been upended by the COVID-19 pandemic. We are prepared to forecast how the outcome of the election impacts the labor force and the country’s migrant population as we approach 2021.

Slides / Recording

REMI Election 2020: Healthcare Policy
The final discussion in our REMI Election 2020 Webinar Series will expand upon the healthcare initiatives outlined during our President’s campaign and describe how these directives can further influence medical coverage at the state and local levels.

Slides / Recording

Economic Impact of State and Local Budget Deficits

[Slides]Economic Impact of State and Local Budget Deficits – Frederick Treyz, Ph.D. & Tobias Reynolds, REMI

[Recording]Economic Impact of State and Local Budget Deficits – Frederick Treyz, Ph.D. & Tobias Reynolds, REMI

State and local finances remain in question as the COVID-19 pandemic charges toward the 2021 fiscal year.

With no conclusion in sight, governments at all levels have considered budget cuts and spending reductions in the hopes of preserving their current revenue while waiting for the global health crisis to subside.

Our CEO & Chief Economist Frederick Treyz, Ph.D. and Economic Analyst Tobias Reynolds are looking forward to their upcoming REMI webinar, “Economic Impact of State and Local Budget Deficits,” on Tuesday, November 3rd from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. (ET) that explores why federal, state, and local decision-makers may want to contemplate the potential consequences of spending cuts in the face of a weakened economy.

This webinar will explain the macroeconomic effect of the state and local budget crunch using forecasts and data compiled during various stages of the ongoing pandemic. Dr. Treyz and Mr. Reynolds are prepared to incorporate the impending spending cuts at the state level and the impact absent any changes in federal policy.

How federal, state, and local government spending affects Gross Domestic Product and employment on a state-by-state basis will also be discussed during this presentation, in addition to a description of which industries might be impacted most by budget deficits.