Modeling Regional Impacts of Affordable Housing

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Housing access is an essential component of daily life, yet issues in housing are at the forefront of current policy considerations. Today, there is a deficit of an estimated 7 million affordable housing units across the U.S. For those able to more easily afford housing, the average sales price has increased from $383,000 in 2020 to $516,500 at the beginning of 2023, an increase of nearly 35%, falling from a historic high of $552,600 at the end of 2022. This has, in turn, also impacted rental prices, with the average increasing 18% between 2021 and 2022. As a result, the average rent-to-income ratio for renters stands today at 45% – a massive increase from 22.85% in 2012.

In this webinar, Jack Hausler and Aniruddh Ajila will outline how various factors, including market forces, industry activities, and zoning regulations, have contributed to historical and recent housing pricing trends. Using the REMI PI+ model, they will investigate the benefits and costs of possible policy responses to these trends.

Regional Inequality and Economic Development: Demographic and Technological Change

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Regional inequality is a persistent and growing issue. As we are in a period of rapid demographic and technological change, regional stakeholders need to adapt to these changes to have broad-based economic growth and prosperity. In this webinar, Dr. Treyz will evaluate the effects of emerging technologies and the changing population structure on the U.S. and regional economies. We examine strategies for successful economic development: logistics; energy and electric vehicles; knowledge centers; and quality-of-life.

The webinar examines Federal funding available for economic development, energy, and infrastructure. Dr. Treyz will conclude with a case study of the CHIPs Act and the Micron microchip facility in upstate New York.

Initiatives for Cleaner Air

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President Biden signed the inflation reduction act into law in 2022, the United States’ most significant investment in clean energy in the nation’s history. The act encouraged investment into renewable resources and sought to clean pollution that has disproportionately affected various communities. $369 billion in grants are being awarded to organizations to fight climate change, and $25 million is specifically awarded by the EPA under the Clean Air Act (CAA) to combat air pollution.  

This webinar will focus on the clean air initiatives outlined in the inflation reduction act. We will examine how these clean air initiatives have influenced economic growth, job creation, and GDP while also gauging the effectiveness of the investments by assessing environmental outcomes like reduced air pollution, improved public health, and enhanced sustainability.   

Economic Impact Analysis vs. Cost-Benefit Analysis: A Comparison

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Economic impact analysis (EIA) and cost-benefit analysis (CBA) are often confused. Many believe these two frameworks to be interchangeable, but they have fundamental differences. Understanding these various analytical tools is vital for evaluating the actual value and implications of policies, projects, and investments. This session will explore the similarities, differences, and applications of economic impact and cost-benefit analysis.  

During this webinar, David Casazza will shed light on the unique approaches, objectives, and areas of focus relating to economic impact analysis and cost-benefit analysis. He will give specific examples of when one tool is preferable to the other and some common misconceptions about each tool. 

Economic Barriers to Child Care

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The current child care system in the United States places most of the burden of paying for care on individual families. The rising costs of child care leaves many left without access to affordable, high-quality early childhood programs. Parents must often choose whether to work or forego a job due to unaffordable child care cost.  This webinar will describe a study that uses the REMI model to measure the economic impact of child care inaccessibility in Washington State.

The study examines the effect that child care availability has on labor force participation and productivity and its impact on the economy.  The results of the economic impact analysis show that Washington’s households, businesses, and economy experience major economic and fiscal losses due to child care inaccessibility. Findings indicate that the direct, indirect, and induced effects of short- and long-term disruptions derived from child care breakdowns translate not only into parents having less disposable income and companies being less productive, but also into lost government tax revenue, and statewide production.


Dominic Modicamore, MUP
Labor Economics Lead at ICF

Dominic Modicamore is an Economist with 26 years of professional experience. He is a subject matter expert in economic and fiscal impact analysis, labor market analytics, and industry sector analysis. He also has extensive experience measuring program performance by analyzing participant outcomes and conducting cost, ROI, and cost-benefit analysis studies. Mr. Modicamore has conducted numerous economic and fiscal impact analysis, ROI studies, labor market, industry sector, and economic development studies at the national, regional, and local levels. Recent economic impact studies that Mr. Modicamore has completed include the economic and fiscal impact of the Washington DC food industry cluster, the economic and fiscal impact of child care accessibility in Washington State, the economic and fiscal impact of refugee resettlement in Colorado, and the economic impact of oil and gas industry in the Gulf Coast.  Mr. Modicamore has a Master of Urban Planning (M.U.P.) degree with a specialization in Economic Development Planning from the State University of New York at Buffalo.