The Fiscal Impacts of COVID-19 on State and Local Budgets Update

[Slides]The Fiscal Impacts of COVID-19 on State and Local Budgets Update – Leon Zhang, REMI

[Recording]The Fiscal Impacts of COVID-19 on State and Local Budgets Update – Leon Zhang, REMI

REMI would like to thank everyone who was able to attend our “The Fiscal Impacts of COVID-19 on State and Local Budgets” webinar that we presented in April.

On Thursday, June 4th from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. (ET), REMI Economist Leon Zhang will be providing an updated version of this webinar that expands upon the pandemic’s effect on the financial sector and analyzes how the fiscal outlook has shifted in just a matter of weeks.

This webinar discussion evaluates the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on budgetary planning before exploring how state and local governments are attempting to mitigate the anticipated economic and fiscal deficits.

As COVID-19 progresses throughout the country, Mr. Zhang is prepared to use the REMI Tax-PI model to examine the questions surrounding fiscal resiliency, budgets, and revenue. With safety measures fluctuating on a state-by-state basis, it is important for state and local governments to monitor their finances in order to best serve their region and constituents.

Mr. Zhang will also be demonstrating how to forecast prospective scenarios that could continue to alter the fiscal landscape, impact tax revenues, and upend expenditure decisions during this presentation.

State-Level Industrial Impacts of COVID-19

[Slides]State-Level Industrial Impacts of COVID-19 – Peter Evangelakis, Ph.D. & Leon Zhang, REMI

[Recording]State-Level Industrial Impacts of COVID-19 – Peter Evangelakis, Ph.D. & Leon Zhang, REMI

COVID-19 has had a devastating impact across the United States economy, but its effects are not evenly distributed among states or industries.

REMI Senior Economist Peter Evangelakis, Ph.D. will be hosting a REMI webinar presentation, “State-Level Industrial Impacts of COVID-19,” on Thursday, May 28th from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. (ET) that explores the heterogeneous effects of COVID-19.

It is important for policymakers to understand the structure of their states’ economies, as well as the areas of most need as they continue to plan for their economic re-openings.

During this presentation, Dr. Evangelakis will be describing the ways in which states’ different industrial structures have influenced the magnitude of the downturns they have experienced.

Potential strategies to mitigate the economic losses and bolster recovery efforts will also be included in this discussion on how COVID-19 has disrupted industries across the country.