Transportation Planning During COVID-19: Building DOT and MPO Responses to a Pandemic

[Slides]Transportation Planning During COVID-19: Building DOT and MPO Responses to a Pandemic – Peter Evangelakis, Ph.D. & Cameron Luther, REMI

[Recording]Transportation Planning During COVID-19: Building DOT and MPO Responses to a Pandemic – Peter Evangelakis, Ph.D. & Cameron Luther, REMI

Departments of transportation (DOTs) and metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) find themselves in the process of adjusting priorities and reallocating resources as COVID-19 continues to affect more and more regions in the United States. The important task of adapting current and future transportation plans to the realities of the current situation now falls heavily on the shoulders of DOTs and MPOs across the country.

On Thursday, April 23rd from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. (ET), REMI Senior Economist Peter Evangelakis, Ph.D. and Economic Associate Cameron Luther will be presenting “Transportation Planning During COVID-19: Building DOT and MPO Responses to a Pandemic,” an upcoming REMI webinar that focuses on the disruptions imposed upon project prioritization, regional economic and demographic forecasts, and the operation of transportation agencies by a global pandemic.

This presentation will also show how tools like the REMI model can forecast the short-, medium-, and long-term repercussions of COVID-19. Special attention will be paid to how analysis can be used to leverage federal, state, and local resources to fill budget gaps.

The Fiscal Impacts of COVID-19 on State and Local Budgets

[Slides]The Fiscal Impacts of COVID-19 on State and Local Budgets – Peter Evangelakis, Ph.D. & Shane Vyskocil, REMI

[Recording]The Fiscal Impacts of COVID-19 on State and Local Budgets – Peter Evangelakis, Ph.D. & Shane Vyskocil, REMI

The COVID-19 pandemic has created new obstacles for state and local officials as they try to adapt to rapidly changing circumstances and mitigate the scope of anticipated economic and fiscal losses. Revenue, budgets, and regional fiscal resiliency are all now in question as local, state, and national governments closely observe how the outbreak develops.

Please feel free to join REMI for the upcoming webinar, “The Fiscal Impacts of COVID-19 on State and Local Budgets,” that is scheduled for Thursday, April 16th from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. (ET).

During this presentation, REMI Senior Economist Peter Evangelakis, Ph.D. & Economic Associate Shane Vyskocil will describe how COVID-19 has upended budgetary planning before they provide state and local stakeholders with methods for appropriately responding to the shocks generated by the virus’s spread. Dr. Evangelakis and Mr. Vyskocil will also explain in depth how to use the Tax-PI model to analyze a region’s fiscal resiliency ahead of significant disruptions.

The United States had been trending toward increased economic growth and decreased unemployment before the pandemic took hold of the nation. Without a specific end date identified for the safety measures currently in place, state and local governments must evaluate and monitor their finances in order to best serve their region and their constituents.

This webinar presentation on April 16th will demonstrate how to forecast potential scenarios that could alter the fiscal landscape, which would ultimately impact tax revenues and expenditure decisions.