The Everything Bubble?: Political-Economic Outlook for 2020

[Slides]The Everything Bubble?: Political-Economic Outlook for 2020 – Frederick Treyz, Ph.D., REMI

[Recording]The Everything Bubble?: Political-Economic Outlook for 2020 – Frederick Treyz, Ph.D., REMI

GDP growth, low unemployment, and wage increases are being driven by record-high asset prices.

U.S. central bank policy in the last year has become even more aggressive in supporting the expansion of financial assets, with three rate cuts in 2019 and an over 400 billion dollar expansion in the balance sheet since September.

While continuing to support economic growth, these policies have exacerbated the gap between hourly and salaried wage earners, and between wage earners and the owners of capital.

We hope you can join REMI for our upcoming webinar, “The Everything Bubble?: Political-Economic Outlook for 2020,” that will be hosted by CEO and Chief Economist Frederick Treyz, Ph.D. on Tuesday, January 28th from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. (ET).

This presentation explores issues such as:

  • What are the regional dimensions of the U.S. economy?
  • How does a liquidity-driven economy affect politics in an election year?
  • What actions can state and local policy makers take?
  • How do policy analysts engage in a populist political context?


Michael Wilkerson, Ph.D. & Marley Buchman – Modeling the Impact of Zoning Changes on Land Use in REMI

[Slides]Modeling the Impact of Zoning Changes on Land Use in REMI – Mike Wilkerson, Ph.D. & Marley Buchman, ECONorthwest

[Recording]Modeling the Impact of Zoning Changes on Land Use in REMI – Michael Wilkerson, Ph.D. & Marley Buchman, ECONorthwest

The Oregon legislature recently approved a bill that bans single-family only zoning in cities throughout the state. This legislation is the first of its kind in the United States, and these types of zoning changes can generate significant impacts on land use and the regional economy.

Please feel free to join REMI for a special guest webinar, “Modeling the Impact of Zoning Changes on Land Use in REMI,” that will be hosted by ECONorthwest’s Project Director and Senior Economist Michael Wilkerson, Ph.D. and Economist Marley Buchman on Wednesday, January 22nd from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. (ET).

During their presentation, Dr. Wilkerson and Mr. Buchman will demonstrate an approach for modeling the potential impact of zoning changes on housing production, in addition to explaining an approach for estimating the associated economic and fiscal impacts.

States other than Oregon, including Minnesota and California, have begun addressing their housing and zoning policies in order to combat rising housing costs and diminishing availability. This special guest webinar presented by ECONorthwest discusses the tools available to policy makers that can assist in achieving their zoning goals and tackling regional housing challenges.

Dr. Wilkerson and Mr. Buchman are prepared to explore the economic effects of revised land use and zoning policies during their guest webinar, as well as provide overviews of how Oregon reached this landmark decision and the methodologies implemented when using REMI to analyze housing, zoning, and land use.

Igor Linkov – The Value of Transportation Resilience: Economic Impacts of Disruptions in Major U.S. Cities

[Manuscript]Lack of Resilience in Transportation Networks – U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center

[Slides]The Value of Transportation Resilience: Economic Impacts of Disruptions in Major U.S. Cities – Igor Linkov, Ph.D., U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center

[Recording]The Value of Transportation Resilience: Economic Impacts of Disruptions in Major U.S. Cities – Igor Linkov, Ph.D., U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center

Disruptions to transportation networks are inevitable. When road networks are not resilient, these unpredictable events can cause significant delays that may not be proportional to the severity of the disruptions.

REMI will be joined by guest presenter Igor Linkov, Ph.D., Risk and Decision Science Focus Area Lead for the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center and Adjunct Professor of Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University, for his webinar, “The Value of Transportation Resilience: Economic Impacts of Disruptions in Major U.S. Cities,” scheduled for Wednesday, December 18th from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. (ET).

Dr. Linkov’s discussion describes how enhancing transportation system resilience helps to mitigate the consequences of disruptions, but required investments can be difficult to justify given the low probability of occurrence.

In order to quantify the value of resilience, this webinar presentation will demonstrate the economic impacts of unmitigated transportation disruptions on ten major cities in the United States by utilizing the REMI TranSight model. Dr. Linkov will also describe how delays in transportation networks are modeled, as well as detail how to integrate resilience into the model.

“The Value of Transportation Resilience: Economic Impacts of Disruptions in Major U.S. Cities” evaluates the use of modeling results to argue for regionally-specific mitigation strategies that account for the network topography and the probability of disruption. Dr. Linkov is prepared to explain the methodological approaches used and the key findings from the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center’s analysis during this special guest webinar.