How Workforce Development in Target Industries Can Put NYC Ahead

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This guest webinar was hosted by Bertrand Teirlinck, a Senior Policy Analyst at New York City Economic Development Corporation. The presentation occured on Wednesday, November 30th from 2:00-3:00pm E.T.

The 21st century has seen the makeup of the New York City economy change drastically, with emerging sectors slowly replacing historical industries. This entails new opportunities for the city’s labor force as the city strives to position itself as a leader. This webinar will focus on fast-growing sectors in New York City and explore the potential economic benefits of pursuing workforce development in these industries.

Bertrand Teirlinck
New York City Economic Development Corporation

Bertrand Teirlinck currently works as a Sr. Policy Analyst within the Economic Research & Policy department of the New York City Economic Development Corporation, focusing primarily on fiscal and economic impact modeling. Prior to joining NYCEDC, Mr. Teirlinck worked as a Policy Analyst within the Real Estate Assessment Center of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, where he worked on cost-benefit analyses in relation to the Physical Inspection Alignment Initiative. He also has prior experience in transportation and housing policy acquired through stints in the Office of U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal and for the non-profit Smart Growth America.

Mr. Teirlinck holds a Master of Public Policy and Management from Heinz College at Carnegie Mellon University and a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and History from Colby College.

Economic Implications of Regional Military and Federal Spending

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To assist JobsOhio, the Dayton Development Coalition, and its regional economic development partners in better understanding the importance of its robust military & federal sectors, ABLE Operations conducted the sectors’ first-ever economic impact analysis. This project utilized the REMI PI+ forecasting model to estimate the ripple effect (direct, indirect, and induced effects) of military & federal spending flowing into every county and installation across the state. The findings were then compiled and presented in a summary booklet designed to inform state and congressional leaders of the sectors’ economic importance to jobs and gross regional product.



Matt Schwalb
ABLE Operations

Matt Schwalb is managing partner and senior research analyst at ABLE Operations where he works with clients to better understand how defense spending impacts their local communities. Matt is also the lead analyst of Florida’s bi-annual Defense Industry Economic Impact Analysis and Factbook. Prior to his time at ABLE, he was the senior research analyst at Matrix Design Group and, prior to that, the assistant director at the Haas Center for Business Research and Economic Development. Matt earned an MA in Political Science and an MS in Public Administration at the University of West Florida where his studies focused primarily on policy analysis, research methods, and American political discourse. Throughout his career, Matt has managed various quantitative and qualitative research projects, including several defense and non-defense related economic and fiscal impact studies.

Aaron Schmerbeck
ABLE Operations

Aaron Schmerbeck is founder and managing partner of ABLE Operations where he manages research and data analytics that range from economic, fiscal, and market analyses to workforce analytics.  He holds a PhD in Economics from Florida State University (FSU). His studies focused primarily on financial economics and mathematics.  He maintains an adjunct position at the University of South Florida – Sarasota Manatee (USFSM), teaching a variety of economics and finance courses. Aaron has significant experience in measuring economic and fiscal impacts, workforce supply and demand analytics, financial modeling, and economic forecasting.

Evidence Based Economic Impacts for a Wind Farm Project: Developing Estimates Using Construction and Lifecycle Data

The webinar explored the use of experienced-based data to estimate the economic impacts of a wind farm development on a county in Michigan using a custom-designed REMI model. Estimates were created for both the build out of the facility as we well as the operations. The operations estimates included three components for the 30-year expected life-cycle of the facility. These included: operations & maintenance, payments to landowners, and payments to units of government.

This guest webinar was conducted by Jim Robey, Principal at Robey Analytics and Albert Jongewaard, a Senior Development Manager at Apex Clean Energy, Inc.

Click here to access the recording of the webinar.

Click here to view the slides from the webinar.

Analyzing the Social and Economic Impact of Broadband Investment

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Click here to view the slides from this webinar.

Our webinar, “Analyzing the Social and Economic Impact of Broadband Investment” was hosted on October 12th from 2:00-3:00 PM E.T. by our Analyst Jeffrey Dykes.

to expand high-speed broadband services nationwide. In this webinar, Jeff will model how this investment affects workforce development, improves infrastructure, and incentivizes domestic job creation. We will use our PI+ model aided by our SEI module as the base of this analysis. SEI is the premium modeling solution for evaluating the socioeconomic indicators of projects, programs, and policy changes. We will use SEI to model how broadband expansion and investment will affect different demographics and increase digital equity. Jeff will also demonstrate how SEI can be used to evaluate the social economic effects of investments across other utilities.

POSTPONED: The Economic and Equity Impact of Expanding Medicaid in Alabama

This webinar has been postponed indefinitely. 

This webinar is being hosted by Jennifer Green, the director of the Center for Economic Development and Business Research at Jacksonville State University. Scroll down to learn more about Ms. Green and her work.

During this presentation, Ms. Green will provide an overview of Alabama’s current status among Medicaid expansion nationwide and review findings from the statewide report published by the Public Affairs Research Council of Alabama in January 2022, of which she was a co-author. Further demographic analysis has since been conducted utilizing REMI’s SEI model, and the findings of this analysis will also be overviewed by REMI staff joining Ms. Green on this webinar.

Jennifer Green 
Jacksonville State University
Center for Economic Development and Business Research

Jennifer Green is the director of the Center for Economic Development and Business Research at Jacksonville State University as well as one of its alumni (MBA, 2013). The center provides economic analysis as well as other economic development services to clients at the local, state, regional and federal level.  Recently, the Green began to incorporate her talents in GIS to bring a spatial analysis component to the center. Her work with GIS and Business Analysis demonstrates the role that a geographic analysis can play in supporting business needs in the community.  Green leads the CEDBR in its mission to provide accurate, timely and reliable information and analysis to inform decision-making in the public and private sectors. She also chairs a regional economic group made up of professionals from different agencies to collaborate on local and regional development programs and projects. Green sits on the Board of Directors for the Association for University Business and Economic Research.