Jennifer Budoff, John MacNeil, Susanna Groves – Approaches and Strategies for Providing a Minimum Income in the District of Columbia

[Recording]Strategies for Providing a Minimum Income in the District of Columbia – Jennifer Budoff, Susanna Groves, and John MacNeil, Council of DC’s Office of the Budget Director

[Slides]Strategies for Providing a Minimum Income in the District of Columbia – Jennifer Budoff, Susanna Groves, and John MacNeil, Council of DC’s Office of the Budget Director

The increase in income inequality has inspired elected officials and policy makers to revisit ideas once considered far-fetched, with universal basic income at the forefront.

The Council of the District of Columbia’s Office of the Budget Director analyzed what it would take to ensure that every D.C. resident receives sufficient income to afford all their basic needs. Its researchers assessed the cost of living and the potential economic impacts of prospective minimum income programs.

You are cordially invited to a REMI-hosted guest webinar presentation on Wednesday, June 13th, 2018 from 2 to 3 p.m. EST by Budget Director Jennifer Budoff and Senior Budget Analysts John MacNeil and Susanna Groves from the Council of the District of Columbia’s Office of the Budget Director.

For their presentation, Ms. Budoff and her team will discuss the key findings from their report on universal basic income. They will examine how far the current social safety net goes in helping low-income families meet their needs, what the D.C. government could do to ensure all families have sufficient income, and the fiscal and economic implications of such a program.

Bansari Saha – Economic Effects of an Existing Cap-and-Trade Program: The Latest RGGI Review

[Slides]Economic Effects of an Existing Cap-and-Trade Program – Bansari Saha, ICF

[Recording]Economic Effects of an Existing Cap-and-Trade Program – Bansari Saha, ICF

The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) made history as the first mandatory market-based greenhouse gas reduction program covering the electricity sector to be set up in the United States.

REMI cordially invites you to a guest webinar presentation on Wednesday, May 16th from 2 to 3 p.m. EST with Bansari Saha, Ph.D., Principal Economist at ICF, who will be presenting an economic analysis of the RGGI program.

RGGI is an innovative cap-and-trade program that limits the overall emission levels for CO2, but allows the affected states to find cost-effective emission reductions through an allowance trading market. The program currently covers nine states in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic region. ICF has been supporting the analytical needs of RGGI, Inc. in conducting periodic program reviews to understand the effectiveness of this program in meeting the GHG reduction goals of these states.

During the most recent program review, ICF conducted an extensive economic modeling exercise with the REMI PI+ model to understand the economic impacts of the RGGI program’s extension to 2030. This REMI modeling exercise was led by Dr. Saha, who will share their findings in this webinar presentation.