Pete Walley – Economics of Early Childhood Programs

[Excel]Mississippi Early Childhood Development Economic Impact Estimates – Pete Walley, Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning

[Slides]Economics of Early Childhood Programs – Pete Walley, Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning

[Recording]Economics of Early Childhood Development Programs – Pete Walley, Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning

Human capital plays a central role in fostering economic growth. The development of human capital is significantly influenced by high-quality early childhood development programs.

REMI invites you to join us for a guest webinar on Wednesday, April 18th, 2018 from 2 to 3 p.m. EST presented by Pete Walley from the University Research Center of the Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning, who will discuss an analysis of the potential economic impacts from early childhood development programs.

The University Research Center, in partnership with the Graduate Center for the Study of Early Learning at the University of Mississippi, estimated the state economic impacts of a public early childhood development program in Mississippi. The researchers used the REMI model to quantify and provide economic estimates on the Mississippi economy through the implementation of a program focused on children up to 36 months of age.

For this webinar, Mr. Walley will review the findings and describe the methodologies used to conduct this analysis.

Tariffs and the Economy

[Recording]Tariffs and the Economy – Frederick Treyz, REMI

[Slides]Tariffs and the Economy – Frederick Treyz, REMI

President Trump’s aluminum and steel tariff proposal took policy makers and businesses by surprise. The impacts of tariffs will ripple through the broader economy, resulting in consequences for many states and industries even if they are not directly affected.

REMI cordially invites you to our webinar on Tuesday, April 10th, 2018 from 2 to 3 p.m. EST when REMI CEO and Chief Economist Frederick Treyz, Ph.D. will review the economic debate over tariffs and discuss how dynamic economic modeling can be used to assess pros and cons of trade policies.

For his presentation, Dr. Treyz will outline a report by NERA Economic Consulting that analyzed the impacts of possible across-the-board tariffs on aluminum imports using the REMI model. The analysis shows the potential effects from a 7 percent tariff on government revenue, income, output, and total employment. Dr. Treyz will also describe the methodologies used to evaluate the policy, and consider different approaches for evaluating tariffs.