REMI Model Training Series

The REMI Model Training Series will provide current and prospective REMI users with expert solutions to their model support questions and inquiries. The REMI model is a software solution that simplifies complex relationships between policies and your economy. Our experts will showcase how to utilize powerful features and tools within the REMI model. REMI analysts will also guide you through your selection and use of a REMI model while providing technical support and solutions to your key questions. We hope that you can join us!

Training #1 – PI+ Watch recording here

“Modeling the Gas Tax Holiday in PI+”

Wednesday, July 6, from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. 
– Impacts of government regulation
– Economic development

Training #2: Tax-PI Watch recording here

“Tax-PI for Fiscal Analysis”

Wednesday, July 20, from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m.
– Fiscal effects of tax incentives
– Revenue estimating and projections

Training #3: E3+ Watch recording here
Wednesday, August 3, from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m.
– Environmental impacts on the economy
– Policy and economic impact on the environment

Training #4: TranSight 5.0 Watch recording here
Wednesday, August 17, from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m.
– Navigating TranSight 5.0
– Economic impact of transportation projects and project prioritization
– Long-range plan

Site Selection and Workforce Development Strategies

Our webinar “Site Selection and Workforce Development Strategies,” was presented on June 23rd from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. (E.T.), by Philip Meneghini, an associate at REMI.   

Mr. Meneghini analyzed the factors surrounding site selection and workforce development strategies using the electric vehicle battery producer Proterra as an example. We used our PI+ model aided by our SEI model to build the base of our analysis. The PI+ model helps model and examine regions’ economic future, and SEI helps evaluate the socio-economic indicators and implications of projects. These tools are powerful and can be utilized across various industries.   

Electric vehicles have dramatically increased demand due to higher gasoline prices, government restrictions on combustion engines, and environmental concerns. Based in Burlingame, California, Proterra is building a third factory in Greer, South Carolina, to increase its capacity of electric batteries to meet this demand. The factory will create over 200 new jobs for the Greer community. Proterra is already at the forefront of innovation for commercial vehicle electrification technology. This new factory will now allow them to produce batteries on the east coast, close to their own Proterra Transit electric bus manufacturing facilities.   

Click here for a video recording of the webinar.

Click here for the slides from the webinar.

Rising Gas Prices Effect On Transportation Industry

[SLIDES] Rising Gas Prices Effect on Transportation Industry
[RECORDING] Rising Gas Prices Effect on Transportation Industry
David Cassazza and Philp Meneghini presented “Rising Gas Prices Effect on Transportation Industry” to discuss the effect of inflation on the transportation industry.

In February, when Russia declared war against Ukraine, it affected multiple resources and pushed inflation higher globally. This war caused severe sanctions to isolate, causing the U.S. to participate in de-globalizing gas and oil exchanges with Russia. Since Russia is a top gas distributor, in March 2022, a global increase cost of gas occurred. The average price per tank increased by ten dollars per fill in less than one month in the U.S. The transportation industry has been battling high inflation concerns since 2020 and now has a new challenge with the uproar of gas prices.

Global Events: How Resilient is the US Economy Against War

[SLIDES] Global Events: How Resilient is the US Economy Against War
[RECORDING] Global Events: How Resilient is the US Economy Against War
REMI hosted a webinar, Global Events: How Resilient the U.S. Economy is Against War. This presentation will lead by our Chief Economist and CEO, Frederick Treyz. On February 24th, Russia invaded Ukraine and announced war. Due to severe sanctions isolating Russia, the global economy is struggling with supply-chain shocks that have agitated food, energy, and other commodities markets.

This war has forced the U.S. to participate in de-globalizing specific resources, pushing inflation even higher. The sanctions on Russia and a lack of alternatives have caused the prediction of oil prices surpassing $200 a barrel. There is a global shortage of microprocessors for video games used in phones and cars. Intel has invested $20 billion in a new computer chip facility in Ohio.

Examine Economic & Environmental Impacts of Military Bases

[SLIDES] Examine Economic & Environmental Impacts of Military Bases

[RECORDING] Examine Economic Environmental Impacts of Military Bases

Our REMI staff presented “Examine Economic & Environmental Impacts of Military Bases.” Based on a directive from the Biden Administration, they focused on the economic and environmental impacts of making military bases greener via the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) process.

When the Biden Administration entered the White House, they immediately set a 2030 greenhouse gas reduction target and signed an executive order to help reduce emissions created in America. The U.S. military has been a significant contributor to the nation’s carbon footprint. For example, they were responsible for approximately 52 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions in 2020 — more than other countries, such as Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland. As a response to climate policy priorities, the Department of Defense has plans to develop an electrified zero-emissions non-tactical vehicle fleet, to replace fossil-fueled vehicles by 2035 completely. The question is, how will this and other associated changes affect their economic footprint?