The Arrowhead Center at New Mexico State University produced this report assessing the economic impact of proposed Federal Communications Commission rule changes on the New Mexico economy. The REMI PI+ model was used to model the approach to reduce Universal Service Fund revenue in the telecommunications sector by $34.5 million per year between 2012 and 2021, producing substantial estimated impacts. In 2012, the estimated impacts included the loss of 99 jobs in the telecommunications industry, 261 private sector jobs, a total employment loss of 335 jobs, $14.1 million less in New Mexico personal income, and a decrease in tax revenue of $978,000. Over the ten-year projection period, the estimated impacts were the loss of 805 jobs in the telecommunications industry, 2,400 private sector jobs, a total employment loss of 3,146 jobs, $200.3 million less in state personal income, and a decrease in tax revenue of $13.6 million.